Citizenship Preparation-Tuition Free, Preparación de ciudadanía- gratis


US Naturalization preparation through group video calls. Topics include American political and cultural history, citizenship requirements and exam questions. Contact Nadia Van Wingerden at for the class information. Or Call/Llama a 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Preparación de la naturalización de los Estados Unidos a […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Conversation for Adults through group video calls. Topics include community resources, how to support school children learning online, and health. Contact Hannah Keturi at Hannah Keturi for the class information. Or Call/Llama a 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Conversación en inglés para adultos a […]

Virtual Poetry “Open Mic”


In Celebration of National Poetry Month, the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center is hosting a zoom meeting open to the public to share poetry. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 801 282 353

Connection that Makes a Difference: Mindful & Compassionate Listening Workshops


This free workshop is for adults and teens who want to learn tools to improve their communication skills in their personal and professional lives. Learn how to: -build skills of deep, empathetic listening -speak from your heart -help others by doing less -ask the right questions -reflect on your own judgment and biases You will […]

Storytime for Grownups


The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center will host a Zoom meeting for various authors to read excerpts from their works. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 801 282 353

Storytime for Grown-ups


✳️Join our Story Time for Grown-Ups Zoom meeting on Monday, May 4th @ 5pm to hear 3 local authors read excerpts from their work! ♥️Click on the following link: Meeting ID: 801 282 353 ☎️By phone call 1-669-900-6833 and enter 801282353 ⭐Author Sue Perry had the brilliant idea for our Story Time. 📚 She […]

Self Compassion for Men


For men, being stuck at home can be especially hard when activities that gave purpose, self-esteem, an outlet to blow off steam are no longer available—when there is less to “do” and we are forced more to just “be” with family, partners, children, and ourselves. Male-identified people are invited to explore self-compassion as a way […]

How To Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions


FREE AHA! For Adults Zoom Group for Parents, Guardians, & Educators. Please join us to become a better resourced emotional educator and support for the children in your care. We will discuss strategies for supporting young people around difficult emotions and identifying ways to open up lines of communication. Spanish and English groups available. RSVP […]

Parenting in Place: an AHA! Parent Workshop


Feeling occasionally less than loving toward your kids in the midst of self-isolation? You are NOT alone! Join other parents and AHA!’s Director of Programs and parent coach to share stories and support, express frustration, remember joys, and learn sanity-saving strategies for parenting during COVID-19. Led by AHA! Facilitator and Director of Programs, Melissa Lowenstein, […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Skills for Adults through group video calls. Topics include safety and emergency, how to support school children learning online, housing, and immigrant support. Visit for more information. Contact Nadia Van Wingerden at or Laura Mc Laughlin-Montero for class information. Or Call 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Skills for Adults through group video calls. Topics include safety and emergency, how to support school children learning online, housing, and immigrant support. Visit for more information. Contact Laura Mc Laughlin-Montero for class information. Or Call 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Habilidades de inglés […]

The Weight of Body Image During Corona


An open conversation about the impact of the pandemic and stay-at-home-orders on an already toxic mix of body shame, diet culture, and weight gain jokes and memes. Share your own experiences and leave with tangible take-aways for self-love and body acceptance during this challenging time. Led by AHA! Facilitator, Claire Blakey, MA, AMFT Preregistration required […]