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Mindfulness For Parents


Weekly 15 minute mindfulness held on Thursday mornings from 10:00-10:15 a.m. Zoom Meeting ID – go to and enter join meeting code: 369-338-2192 Instructor: “Ella” Danielle M. Lauser, LMFT #116582 Join Marriage and Family Therapist, “Ella” Danielle Lauser for 15minutes of mindfulness specifically to support parents in managing the unique stressors we are experiencing […]

Citizenship Preparation-Tuition Free, Preparación de ciudadanía- gratis


US Naturalization preparation through group video calls. Topics include American political and cultural history, citizenship requirements and exam questions. Contact Nadia Van Wingerden at for the class information. Or Call/Llama a 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Preparación de la naturalización de los Estados Unidos a […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Conversation for Adults through group video calls. Topics include community resources, how to support school children learning online, and health. Contact Hannah Keturi at Hannah Keturi for the class information. Or Call/Llama a 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Conversación en inglés para adultos a […]

Connection that Makes a Difference: Mindful & Compassionate Listening Workshops


This free workshop is for adults and teens who want to learn tools to improve their communication skills in their personal and professional lives. Learn how to: -build skills of deep, empathetic listening -speak from your heart -help others by doing less -ask the right questions -reflect on your own judgment and biases You will […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Skills for Adults through group video calls. Topics include safety and emergency, how to support school children learning online, housing, and immigrant support. Visit for more information. Contact Nadia Van Wingerden at or Laura Mc Laughlin-Montero for class information. Or Call 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call […]

Free English Class for Parents/Adults, Clase de inglés gratis para padres / adultos


English Skills for Adults through group video calls. Topics include safety and emergency, how to support school children learning online, housing, and immigrant support. Visit for more information. Contact Laura Mc Laughlin-Montero for class information. Or Call 805-683-8233 and leave a message. An office clerk will call you back. Hablamos español. Habilidades de inglés […]

Fun With Feelings!


Wednesday or Friday from 9:30-9:45 a.m. Zoom ID: 915 7820 6344 Password: CALM Instructor: “Rosie” Mary Rose Gates-Bowes, ASW #80576 Join Rosie for a fun 15-minute social and emotional activity. We will work on a different activity each week designed to support preschool aged children with exploring their feelings through the use of art, stories and movement. […]

Coping and Connecting: For 5th and 6th Grade Students


Every Thursday starting April 30th at 11 to 11:30 am Zoom ID: 913-6850-6988 Password: calm Instructors: Jasmin Reyes-Corona, APCC #5170, and Johnny Reyes, AMFT #117680 Join Jasmin and Johnny for a 30-minute class on a new coping skill every week and a chance to connect with other 5th and 6th graders. Join anytime!

Youth Voices: A class and connection for 6th graders


Every Friday starting May 1st at 11am to 11:30 am Zoom ID: 965-1364-8972 Meeting Password: 6thgrade Instructors: Luz Cordova, ASW #87675, and Johnny Reyes, AMFT #117680 Shout out to all 6th graders! Join us for a virtual connection and let’s talk about junior high! Join anytime!

Positive Mindset and Reset: Couples’ Issues in Extreme Conditions


How do we communicate with our partner effectively, listen deeply, and keep the love flowing when we are under stress and shelter-in-place? Explore how to create a positive mindset and reset when we are triggered in relationship. Led by Tara Schlener, MA, AMFT Preregistration requited at:



Luz Cordova te invita a una reunión de Zoom Meeting ID: 571 570 2396 Password/contraseña: 124576 ¡Te invitamos asistir a Cafecitos el próximo martes a las 10:30 am! Todos los padres están invitados a participar en conversaciones sobre los factores protectores y el fortalecimiento familiar. La haremos en vivo a través de Zoom.

Coping and Connecting: For 3rd and 4th Grade Students


Every Tuesday starting April 28th at 11 to 11:30 am Zoom ID: 957-1010-7670 Password: calm Instructors: Jasmin Reyes-Corona, APCC #5170, and Johnny Reyes, AMFT #117680 Join Jasmin and Johnny for a 30-minute class on a new coping skill every week and a chance to connect with other 3rd and 4th graders. Join anytime!